Chronic disease now kills more people than infectious disease in the U.S. Societal factors, like the rising cost of care and America's aging population, will only exacerbate this problem in the future.
3 out of every 4 deaths in the U.S. are attributable to chronic disease.
U.S. Healthcare spending as a percent of GDP has more than doubled since 1990.
More than two-thirds of U.S. healthcare costs go to treating chronic disease.
As Baby Boomers age, the number of Americans 65 and older will explode.
Sources: Center for Disease Control, National Council on Aging, U.S. Administration on Aging, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
Over the last few years, many excellent digital solutions for managing chronic diseases — diabetes, COPD, obesity, hypertension, mental illness — have become available to patients. However, most of them address only one or two chronic conditions.
Consequently, patients with co-morbidities and difficult life circumstances must stitch together their own solution. As medicine moves from treating the disease to treating the person, a platform that addresses the full complexity of needs would fill a major gap for this population.

However, the most vulnerable patients — the frail elderly and co-morbid — need a digital solution that can address multiple chronic diseases and treat the whole person.

For the frail elderly and co-morbid, the hurdles for developing new services and solutions are much higher than for other groups.
EFFICACY IS Harder to prove through research
more specialties and GREATER coordination
HEALTH OutcomeS are largely in the hands of the patients themselves
To help these patients and their caregivers, we need to get to know them and understand their problems.
See our solution.